Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Surly Karate Monkey

Spotted this u-locked to a lamp post on the way to church on Sunday.

It was still there when I passed the spot on Monday. Hmm.


A bunch of bananas growing in dad and mum's garden.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Finally succumbed...

My Dell Inspiron 8600. Everyone said it would not last. Well, it has been 7.5 years and it's still soldiering on, though not quite as spritely as it used to be. Converting an 18 megapixel RAW file does require a fair amount of patience. But its 1920x1200 pixel 15.4" screen remains the ultimate notebook screen resolution to this day. It's still a champ.
I finally succumbed to the allure of Mac and ordered a MacBook Air 13" with the i7 processor option. The Dell will be retired from active service.

The Long Way Home

Commuted to work by bicycle last Friday and took the long way home. I rode home with a colleague, making a left at Seletar West Link instead of the usual right. This took us over the bridge to Pulau Punggol Barat and Pulau Punggol Timor. Traffic was light and we only had trucks for company.

Crossing the Punggol river, we made our way through the Northern perimeter of Punggol new town on several unopened roads.
We picked up the trail to Lorong Halus Wetlands after riding several hundred meters on an unpaved road.
Crossed this bridge over the Serangoon river.